Privacy Policy

Wellington College Prep is part of The Wellington College, a royal charter body registered with charity number 309093 (“TWC”) (“Wellington College Prep”). It should be noted that, as Wellington College Prep is not a separate legal entity to TWC, data which may appear on its face to be collected, held or processed by Wellington College Prep will, legally, be collected, held or processed by TWC. 

TWC is a data controller for the purposes of data protection legislation as it processes personal data.   This notice is designed to give you information about how TWC (and Wellington College Prep as part of TWC) processes that data.  Our duties in respect of personal data are very important to us and we are committed to using the personal data we hold in accordance with the law.  TWC  Legal & Compliance Director has overall responsibility for data protection at TWC and will endeavour to ensure that TWC  complies with its responsibilities.  The Business Manager of Wellington College Prep will take day-to-day responsibility Wellington College Prep’s compliance with data protection legislation.  Any queries should be directed in the first instance to [email protected] and, if any further information is required, to TWC’s Legal & Compliance Director by email at [email protected] or by post at The Bursary, Wellington College, Duke’s Ride, Crowthorne, RG45 7PU. 

This notice applies alongside any other information Wellington College Prep or TWC  may provide about a particular use of personal data, for example when collecting data via an online or paper form.  The notice should be read in conjunction with our other policies and contracts which apply to you and which make reference to personal data.  This includes any contract you have entered into with Wellington College Prep, our safeguarding, pastoral (including the Taking, Storage and Use of Pupil Images Policy and health & safety policies, our IT policies (including the Code of Conduct for ICT Use).  Separate privacy notices apply to Wellington College Enterprises Limited (“WCE”) and our staff and Wellington College.

It should be noted that TWC also has safeguarding and child protection duties and that, if there is a potential conflict between these duties and those under data protection legislation, the welfare of the child is paramount.

TWC  expects individuals to whom this notice applies to respect the personal data and privacy of others to whom the notice applies and to staff of TWC.

What type of personal data does Wellington College Prep process?

How does Wellington College Prep collect data?

Who has access to personal data?

Why do we process personal data?

For how long do we keep personal data?

What rights do you have in respects to personal data?

This notice

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