Open Mornings & School Visits

    Wellington College Prep holds Open Mornings throughout the year. Open Mornings give you the chance to have a look around the school and speak to teachers and meet pupils. We look forward to welcoming you to Wellington College Prep.

    Forthcoming events

    Saturday 26th April

    Friday 23rd May

    Friday 13th June

    Saturday 20th September

    Friday 10th October

    Friday 14th November

    Open Mornings

    An open morning begins with a tour around the school with either a member of staff or one of our senior pupils and then a chance to meet staff over coffee and cake followed by a welcome from the Head,. If you would like to attend an open morning we ask that you book a family ticket using the link below:


    School Visits

    If you cannot wait for an open morning and would like to visit the school sooner for a personal tour during the week then please do contact us and we will be happy to arrange this at a time suitable for you. Also have a look at our Virtual Tour as this will give you a good idea of the school.

    Contact Us


    Best day ever . . . 

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