Junior School Curriculum

Wellington College Prep Junior School combines innovative teaching and learning with superb facilities and resources.  

Whilst the curriculum is broadly based on the National Curriculum, we expect to take the children further with their learning and we aim to provide the best possible education for children of all abilities within the school.

We teach a broad and balanced curriculum, through the blending of learning activities, imaginative and creative projects, and structured, educational play. High staff:pupil ratios allow small teaching groups in Literacy and Numeracy, which are all further differentiated to meet the pupil’s individual needs. 

The IPC (International Primary Curriculum) is an appealing addition to our Science, History and Geography curriculums incorporating engaging and creative thematic units into the timetable.  Through an introductory ‘knowledge harvest’ staff incorporate children’s ingenious ideas and passions to create motivating practical and written tasks, which capture the imagination of the pupils and make learning relevant to the children’s everyday lives. 

Art supports the IPC in an engaging and creative way, with children developing a huge range of skills including sketching, portrait making, clay modelling and printing. Having the opportunity to use a variety of exciting media and materials inspires the children to create wonderful masterpieces. In music, children learn about musical concepts such as pitch, rhythm and timbre, which are intrinsically linked to the themes and concepts being taught in the classroom. In addition, children begin to acquire skills such as ensemble singing and simple instrumental techniques. 

Children from the Nursery to Year 4 have weekly French lessons. Through exciting, practical sessions, they learn vocabulary from various topics such as: numbers, animals, colours, food and clothes. Children explore different French traditions and will start learning to ask and answer questions in French. 

Computing is firmly embedded in our whole school curriculum as we recognise the vital importance of helping children develop computer skills, which will equip them to be 21st century learners. 

Outdoor Learning is, of course, an integral part of our curriculum. All children have access directly from their classroom to our new dedicated Outdoor Learning Classroom, which the children use on a daily basis to support and enhance their classroom learning. We are also fortunate to be situated amid acres of woodland and our fabulous grounds provide every opportunity to explore and enjoy the outdoors.

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