Digital Learning

At Wellington College Prep, we want to prepare all pupils to flourish and succeed in their use of digital technology throughout their lives. We aim to embed the use of digital technology across the curriculum to enhance the quality of teaching and learning experiences. We aim to promote higher order thinking so that pupils become digitally fluent by innovating, creating and critically engaging with technology. We aim to prepare pupils for the future job market, by empowering them to be active and responsible participants in the digital world.

Strategic integration of digital technology in the classroom is essential at Wellington College Prep. Rather than using technology for its own sake, we ensure that it enhances the teaching and learning experiences of our pupils. Pupils can access shared resources, demonstrate their learning by capturing their understanding through use of digital tools as well as allow teachers to provide feedback and next steps in their learning.

Pupils in the Nest and Reception make use of iPads to access third-party applications that enable pupils to begin their journey of interacting with digital technology. Staff use Seesaw to record and assess pupils’ milestones as part of the EYFS Framework. These are stored on the pupil’s individual Seesaw journal and shared with parents. 

Pupils in Years 1 to 4 have access to school-owned laptops in the classroom and also use the online learning platform Seesaw. This allows pupils and teachers to build an individual digital portfolio for each child that can be shared easily with parents. Activities can be assigned for the pupils to engage with and encourages use of creative tools such as videos and voice recordings.

Pupils in Years 5 to 8 use Microsoft Teams which allows pupils to access learning resources, keep track of and complete assignments and collaborate with their peers using various Microsoft tools. Teachers can monitor pupil progress by accessing pupils’ work and provide feedback digitally.

All pupils in Years 1 to 8 have a Digital Learning lesson which focuses on teaching the children skills in computer science, information technology and digital literacy. Digital skills are also effectively integrated across the curriculum, giving pupils the opportunity to use technology to enhance their skills and become independent and creative learners. As part of our activities programme, we also run a range of extra-curricular clubs, such as Coding Club, Tech Club and Childnet Digital Leaders Club, allowing our pupils to play and experiment with new technologies and develop online safety knowledge. 

Through innovative use of technology, that is integrated across the curriculum, we aim to equip our students with critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability, while fostering responsible digital citizenship. Together, we are shaping young minds to be, not just consumers, but creators of the digital world, ensuring they are well-prepared to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century with confidence and competence.

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